29 juni 2012

hundra kilometer till mål

och startskottet går för 2012 år Lapland ultra, en himla massa metrar, mygg och midnattssol (normalt)

enligt stjärnorna... observera framför allt den sista meningen
You should be able to vividly recall the Uranus-Pluto square from last Sunday as well as Pallas activating both planets this past Monday. Now the Sun - the only radiant celestial body in our solar system and enormous in size - comes into the picture by making its annual opposition to Pluto (8:03AM PDT) and forming one of its two annual squares to Uranus (1:13PM PDT). In effect, this triggers the cosmic events from last Sunday and Monday - forcing all human souls to look within and strive for mental clarity.
denna clarity ska starkt ifrågasättas de kommande femton timmarna och trettionio minuterna

– häng med

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